Pacifica House

What is Pacifica House?

The only short term in-patient facility in North County San Diego, Pacifica House is a home for hospice patients who require a higher level of skilled care to manage pain and symptoms. This six-bed house provides an atmosphere of comfort for both the patient and the patient’s family. The goal of our 24/7 staff is to control severe symptoms so that a loved one can return to familiar surroundings and continue hospice care at home.

Pacifica House sits in a quiet neighborhood in sunny Carlsbad, California. Its warmth and tranquility serves patients with the most challenging comfort needs while allowing them to experience meaningful time with family.

Patient Care Services Provided

  • Private Rooms with Bathroom  
  • Family Living Room  
  • Family Kitchen  
  • Sleeper Chair or Sofa Bed in Each Room  
  • Volunteer Services  
  • Physician 24/7  
  • RN 24/7  
  • Registered Dietician  
  • PT, OT and ST  
  • Music Therapy  
  • Pet Therapy  
  • Massage Therapy  
  • Hair Styling (by appointment)

  • Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    Pacifica House Family Reviews

    in-patient hospice home

      general in-patient hospice room

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who is Eligible for Hospice?

    Any patient who has a terminal diagnosis and two physicians certify the patient has 6 months or less if the disease takes its normal course, is eligible for hospice.

    Who is eligible for general in-patient care at Pacifica House?

    Patients are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and generally may be admitted for pain or symptoms that are uncontrolled despite aggressive treatment efforts or when death is imminent and symptoms are uncontrolled. Also, patients may be admitted when the physician and hospice interdisciplinary team (IDT) believes the patient needs pain and symptom management that cannot practically be provided in other settings. Some examples of uncontrolled symptoms include but are not limited to:

    • Pain requiring aggressive and frequent medication titration
    • Pain /symptoms management requiring frequent medication regimen adjustment
    • Dyspnea or respiratory distress that is uncontrolled in an outpatient setting
    • Uncontrolled nausea/vomiting
    • Severe agitation/delirium
    • Acute anxiety or depression secondary to the end-stage disease process
    • Evaluation of hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, agitation with combativeness
    • Other complicated care for stable or unstable medical conditions: frequent suctioning, dehydration, recurrent seizures, rapidly accumulating ascites, or rapid fluid retention causing pain
    • To facilitate discontinuation of ineffective therapies

    To learn more about admission to Pacifica House or to make a dontation, call us at 760.431.4100.
    Address: 4411 Park Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008