“Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Celebration” helps Hospice of the North Coast achieve Level Four of the We Honor Veterans program
April 26, 2018
The Hospice Medication Evaluation
May 7, 2018Hospice is a service that can allow a person to remain a home, despite a need for medical care, which makes it a major blessing for many families. However, it is important to remember that the things that you would share with your doctor should also be shared with your hospice nurses, so they can adjust care as needed to address possible problems or concerns. Below are just a few of the things that you should be discussing with these medical professionals:
Accidents If there was a slip, fall, or injury suffered, this should absolutely be discussed with the hospice nurse. Unfortunately, these incidents are more apt to occur when a person is chronically ill or elderly. There are steps that can be taken to less the risk of more severe harm, however, and this is something that should be considered.
New Aches and Pains Changes in pain level are important to note. It may be necessary to consider lifestyle changes or new medications to ensure comfort.
Physical Changes In addition to pain or discomfort, other physical changes may be noted. Breathing may become more difficult. It may become too difficult to dress or bathe without assistance. A loss of sight or hearing could occur suddenly. Appetite changes or a decreased thirst should also be noted. These matters must be addressed, which means that they must be discussed with Hospice.
Signs of Confusion This can showcase as suddenly forgetting names, faces, or locations. There may also be confusion when attempting to complete familiar tasks.
Anger, Agitation, or Other Mood Alterations These concerns should always be raised with the hospice team. If signs of depression persist, or if there are suicidal thoughts or actions, make a call to your hospice team immediately.
Difficulty Sleeping or Changes in Sleep Pattern Sleep is very important. Changes in typical sleep habits, or difficulty resting at night, should be noted.