Legacy Society
You’re Invited to Join the Legacy Society!
Generosity and Commitment for a Better Tomorrow
Hospice of the North Coast established the Legacy Society to recognize and extend appreciation to a special group of donors who have made a future commitment to Hospice of the North Coast through a bequest or other planned gift. We invite you to join this special group whose gifts help ensure that quality hospice care and bereavement support are available to all who need them…today and into the future.
Download the Legacy Society Brochure for more information on becoming a part of a special group of donors.
Current Legacy Society Members
Loretta Ames
Hallie L. Anderson
Arleen M. Arnell
Willis and Mayme Barnes
Nathan C. and Mary E. Binkin
Bertha W. Cook
Howard Dattan
Donald F. & Eleanor A. Dawson
Steve and Shelly Dew
Clarence Donato
Paul T. Greer
William Gumpert
William Hanley
Raymond P. Herbert
Bobbie Hoder
Carol Holt
Nancy T. Jorgensen
Sterling and Agnes Klink
Theodore E. and Frances M. Koons
John E. Lee
Bafford E. and Georgia Lewellen
Marie J. Marchetta
Lois S. Mauer
Margot Metcalf Etzler
Patti B. Morris
Francis and Genevieve Pierre
Mariette Pinchart
Marie A. Proulx
Doris Lee Ritchie
William J. Saunders
Catherine H. Setar
Milton Silver
Patricia Stein
Sarah N. Thornton
Robert D. and Jane D. Upp
Ms. Gillian D. Wight
Knox Williams
Margaret I. Wolf
Katherine H. Young