June 15, 2016

Benefits of Mindfulness

By Lisa Firestone Ph.D. As therapists, cultivating mindfulness is perhaps the greatest gift we can offer. If asked to explain the value of mindfulness, you may […]
June 15, 2016

Hospice and The Art of Dying Well

So many of us live our lives as if life and death as two separate events. But just like life itself, dying has its own trajectory. […]
April 7, 2016

Volunteering: An American Tradition

“I have seen Americans making great and sincere sacrifices for the key common good and a hundred times I have noticed that, when needs be, they […]
February 26, 2016

The Respiratory System

Why are lungs important? Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to live. The air we breathe contains oxygen and other gases. Once in […]
February 1, 2016

February is ♥HEART♥ Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the US. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. […]