Watch as patient John George is honored for his military service in the Air Force by Marines from Camp Pendleton. Sergeant Brodie H. Cantrell, Sergeant Anthony […]
Many people typically think of grief as occurring after the loss, but grief often begins before an actual death. This is known as anticipatory grief, which […]
The most common question I’m asked in grief counseling is, “how long will this last?” It’s a relevant question, and unfortunately one for which there is […]
Hospice of the North Coast is committed to compassionate care for Veterans. Our Hospice and Palliative Care teams are specially trained on the unique needs of […]
One of my duties as a bereavement coordinator is to train budding MFT’s to become psychotherapists. Believe it or not, there is very little training in […]
We will be featuring our hard working volunteer team, dedicated to providing comfort and support to our hospice patients and their families. Follow us on […]